AMS Soil Fertility Kits include everything you need for cutting and drawing samples from a variety of soil conditions.
Soil Fertility Kits are used by agronomists and others specializing in soil fertility. They provide everything you need for cutting and drawing samples from a variety of soil conditions. Soil Fertility Kits include a replaceable-tip soil probe (1" X 14" or 1-1/4" X 14"), along with a standard oversized tip, clay tip, mud tip, and a serrated tip. The four tips included in each kit will allow you to increase and improve your sample recovery in a variety of soil conditions.
A plastic liner and two (2) plastic end caps are included with 1-1/4" Soil Fertility Kits but are not used with 1" Soil Fertility Kits. In soft, moist, or tilled soils, use the 10" rubber-gripped cross handle and if needed, the AMS adjustable footstep. Either the compact slide hammer or the hammer-head cross handle and dead blow hammer are used to pound the soil fertility probe into dry, hard-packed soils. The slide hammer also allows you to reverse hammer to assist in retrieving the sampler.
Please make sure any AMS samplers you intend to use together share a common connection type.
Achievable depth is dependent on soil conditions.
Kit weighs 22lbs!
Kit Includes:
- #400.96 - (1) Compact Slide Hammer, 5/8" Thread
- #56761 - (1) 1-1/8" Soil Ejector Spoon
- #430.11 - (1) 1-1/2" X 12" Nylon Brush
- #424.61 - (1) 1-1/2" X 18" Triple Lead Flighted Auger, 5/8" Thread
- #408.01 - (1) 2' Extension, 5/8" Thread
- #56994 - (1) 1-1/4" X 14" Soil Fertility Probe, 5/8" Thread
- #56801 - (1) 1-1/4" Standard Oversized Replaceable Tip
- #56796 - (1) 1-1/4" Clay Replaceable Tip
- #56797 - (1) 1-1/4" Mud Replaceable Tip
- #56826 - (1) 1-1/4" Serrated Replaceable Tip
- #424.58 - (1) 7/8" AMS Adjustable Foot Step
- #430.26 - (1) Small Deluxe Equipment Case